Herman Kornrumpf (1855-1917) lived in this house in Göttingen in the late 19th century and early 20th century. The house was rediscovered in 2004 thanks to the help of numerous local people and the Göttinger Tagblatt newspaper. The house, located at Shildweg 28, is no longer owned by the Kornrumpf family. Click here to see map
Left to right: Hermann Kornrumpf (great-grandson of original owner, Herman Kornrumpf, Göttingen), Elaine Pappe Lawson (daughter of Henrietta M. Louise Kornrumpf, California), Peter Kornrumpf (son of Hermann), Dr. Hussam Peter Bustami (Göttingen). Dr. Bustami assisted Elaine in her Kornrumpf research for several years and lead the search for the Kornrumpf house.