
Bernard Heinrich "Henry"Mueggenborg 1875-1939

The Breda News, November 29, 1939


The news reached here Friday of the death of Henry Mueggenborg of Okarche, Oklahoma, which occurred on that date. Mr. Mueggenborg was a former resident here, where he has many relatives, but moved to Oklahoma more than 30 years ago. He married Dora Boes, a sister to Theo., John and Joe Boes of this place, and is a brother to Ben and John Mueggenberg residing near Sac City. He was about 65 years old.

Funeral services were held Monday at Okarche. Those from here who left Saturday morning to attend the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Max Reising, Theo. and Joe Boes.

One of his sons, Paul Mueggenborg, who was visiting here, left Friday evening for home accompanied by Mike Reising. The later will return home with the Breda folks.

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