Documents and Records

Johanna Catharine Heinemann's Birth Record

(Mother of immigrants Richard Pappe Sr., Albert Pappe and John Herman Pappe)

March 11, 1824, Rockhaussen, Germany

A photocopy of the baptismal register in Rockhaussen, Germany, shows that Johanna Catherine Heinemann was christened on 11 March 1824. Johanna Catherine Heinemann Pappe was the second wife of Gottfried Wilhelm Pappe and the mother of five Pappe brothers. Rockhaussen is located a few kilometers south of Erfurt, in Thüringen.

The following is a translation of the German text from the Baptismal register of the Evangelist church municipality Rockhausen 1824, P. 109:

Johann Heinrich Heinemann

On the 11th of March as on the Thursday before Reminiscere Sunday in the afternoon about 3 o'clock, to the local Christian neighbor and resident, Johann Heinrich Heinemann, and his wife of a Christian marriage, Anna Elizabeth nee Graeser from Kirchheim, for the 5th time a young daughter was born to the world. On 16th of this month of March, on the Tuesday after Reminiscere, appeared the father of the child and indicated: that this child should receive holy baptism at home because of weaknes. For godparent was chosen the Confirmata Johanna Catharine Reichart, eldest daughter of the local resident and [loan insurer?] Johann Nicol Reichart, from whom the child received the Christian names Johanna Catharine.

Transcription of the original German text:

Johann Heinrich Heinemann

Am 11ten Maerz als am Donnerstag vor dem Sonntag Reminiscere Nachmittags gegen 3 Uhr ward dem hiesigen christlichen nachbarlichen Inwohner Johann Heinrich Heinemann von seinem christlichen Eheweibe Anna Elisabeth geb. Graeser aus Kirchheim - siehe fol 106 etc. 76, 6 - zum 5ten mal ein Töchterlein zur Welt gebohren. Am 16ten dieses Monats Maerz als am Dienstage nach Reminiscere erschien der Vater des Kindes und zeigte an: daß dieses Kindt schwachheits halber die Heilige Taufe im Hause empfangen sollte -; zur Taufpathe war erwaehlt die Confirmata Johanna Catharine Reichart, aelteste Tochter des hiesigen Inwohners und Contributions Heimbuergen Johann Nicol Reichart - von welcher das Kind die christlichen Namen erhielt Johanna Catharine.


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