Directories and Lists

Directories and Lists

This page is a compilation of the various directories and lists we have found for individuals in our family tree. Most have been found online but a few have been provided by local historical societies. Because the 1890 census was lost in a fire, genealogists often depend on surviving directories and lists like these to pinpoint the whereabouts of individuals between 1880 and 1900.


1887, Pratt, Kansas

City Directory (People pages)

Pappe, R., baker, Main St.


1889, Coolidge, Kansas

Southwest Business Directory, p. 549
HAMILTON COUNTY. Situated on the west line of Kansas, 485 miles from Kansas City, Missouri, in the Arkansas River Valley and on the mail line of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad. The cattle interest is largely represented as well as the agricultural.  The town has good schools, and churches of different denominations.  Population 1000.

... JH Pappe, bakery and Lunch counter...


1890 Nebraska

Nebraska State Gazetteer, Business Directory and Farmer list for 1890-1891

Pappe, Albert residence: Buxton


1890 Kingfisher, Oklahoma Territory

1890 Oklahoma Territory Directory

R Pappe, baker


1892, Denver, Colorado

Denver City Directory (Ballenger & Richards) p. 796
Pappe, John H., r 183 W Dakota [r = residence]


1893, Denver, Colorado

Denver City Directory (Ballenger & Richards) p. 842

Pappe, John H., r 183 W Dakota

Pappe, William E, lab A T & S F R R
[lab = laborer, A T & S F R R= Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad]

Note: William E Pappe is likely the son of John H Pappe.


1896, Denver, Colorado

Denver City Directory (Ballenger & Richards) pp 819-820

Pappe, Mary A Mrs, r 116 S Broadway

Pappe, William E, r 116 S Broadway

Note: Mary A Pappe and William E Pappe are at the same address. They are likely the son of John H. Pappe. John is not listed in 1896.


1897, Denver, Colorado

Denver City Directory (Ballenger & Richards) pp 840

Pappe, Mary A Mrs, r 5 Santa Fe Terrace, es S Evans bet W Dakota av and Nevada
[r = residence, es = establishment]

Pappe, William E, butcher, r 5 Santa Fe Terrace, es S Evans bet W Dakota av and Nevada


1897, Denver, Colorado

Denver City Directory (Ballenger & Richards) pp 804

Pappe, Mary A Mrs, r 163 Alaska [r = residence]

Pappe, William E, butcher, WH Hickey, r 163 Alaska

Note: WH Hickey was listed as a grocer in the directory.


1906, Kingfisher, Oklahoma Territory

Reference Directory of Kingfisher County, OK (1906 Atlas)

Farmers' National Bank. Richard PAPPE, vice president


1920, Erfurt, Germany

Fressel, M., geb. Pappe, Wtwe., Moritzwallstrasse 18 II
Translation: Fressel, M., nee Pappe, widow, 18 Moritzwall street II

Note: This is likely Minna Wilhelmine Pappe, the mother of the five Fressel immigrants. The last to immigrate was Olga, who arrived in 1923.


1925, Oklahoma City, OK

City Directory , p. 325
Fressel, Carl L Rms [boarder at] 207 W Noble Av


1936, Oklahoma City, OK (also 1938 and 1939 directories)

City Directory , p. 311
Fressel, Olga hskpr 109 NW 25th



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