
Circa 1910 Letter

To Richard Pappe (1860) and Louise (Kornrumpf) Pappe (1861) from his niece in Germany, Luise Baumgarten (c. 1894)

This letter was sent to Richard and Louise Pappe Sr. from Richard's niece in Stotternheim, Luise Baumgarten. Luise was the daughter of Richard's older half-sister, Martha Luise Henriette Pappe, who was born in 1842 in the village of Stotternheim. The niece mentions money that was sent to her as a confirmation gift and the necklace that she purchased with it. This necklace is now in the possession of Louise Baumgarten's descendants in Stotternheim (see photo taken in 2001).

The letter also mentions several other relatives including two uncles and an aunt who lived in Erfurt (a city 10 km south of Stotternheim), Weimer (a city 20 km east of Erfurt), and Schwerborn (a neighboring village), respectively. The uncles were likely Richard's two brothers who remained in Germany -- Johann Heinrich Otto Pappe and Karl Friedrich Ludwig Pappe. The aunt is probably Richard's other half-sister, Minna Wilhelmine Pappe.

In the letter, Luise Baumgarten says that she is including a photograph of herself. A photo of a young German girl that was among Louise Pappe Jersak's papers is likely of the writer of this letter. The photograph was taken in Erfurt, the closest city to Stotternheim where there would be a photographer's studio.

Finally, she asks for Albert Ludwig Pappe's address and indicates that Albert (Richard's brother) visited Stotternheim 10 years earlier. From this we can determine that the letter was written about 1910 because Albert's visit was in 1900. The necklace that Luise is wearing in the photograph is probably the one that she says Albert gave her.

Below is a translation of the letter and the original German text.


Dear Uncle and Aunt,

First I want to say many thanks for the beautiful present for my confirmation, which I received totally unexpectedly. Even though the letter was addressed to Grandfather, I opened it on the street without his permission with the joy [hope] that I could pick you up on Palm Sunday at the train station in Stotternheim. Dear Uncle and Aunt, I asked my mother to buy a pretty keepsake with the money, which I will wear in fond memory of you -- it is a very modern necklace.

I did well in my tests on Palm Sunday. We didn't have many guests on Palm Sunday, only the godparents because uncles in Weimar and Erfurt and aunt in Schwerborn also had confirmations. There were 42 of us that were confirmed. There were probably not so many in your time. You would not recognize your birthplace because it has grown so much. Now we have five teachers and that's still not enough. My dear ones, I am sending you my picture with the wish that I will personally get to know you. You shall also know my confirmation phrase. It is as follows: "I love the ones that love me and the ones that look for me early on will find me." -- Palmonius Chapter 8, Verse 11. Also once again many thanks.

In Fathers name I am asking you what kind of weather you are having. We have a great draught and a mouse plague here. The grain is sprouting and the potatoes are in the ground -- may dear God help it to rain soon. I will finish now with the hope that the letter will find you in good health as it is leaving us and with the hope that we will hear from you soon.

I am asking one more time for uncle Albert's address and tell him I am still wearing the necklace that he gave me 10 years ago to remember him by.

With heartfelt greetings, your thankful niece
Luise Baumgarten

Many greetings from Grandfather,
my parents and my brother


Lieber Onkel und Tante

Zuvor sage ich Euch meinen Besten Dank fuer das schöne Konfirmationsgeschenk welches mir ganz unerwartet kam. Der Brief war zwar an Grossvater addresiert, ich habe ihn gleich auf der Strasse geöffnet ohne Auftrage meines Grossvaters mit der Freude das ich Euch am Palmsonntag am Bahnhof Stotternheim abholen konnte. Lieber Onkel und Tante, ich habe mir von meiner Mutter fuer das Geld ein schönes Andenken kaufen lassen, welches ich zum innigen Andenken tragen werde.es ist ein ganz moderner Halsschmuck.

Meine Prüfung habe ich gut bestanden. Zum Palmsonntag hatten wir nicht viele Gäste. Es waren nur die Paten. Weil Onkel in Weimar und Erfurt und Tante in Schwerborn auch Konfirmation hatten. Wir waren unser 42 die konfirmiert wurden. Soviel waren es gewiss zu Deiner Zeit nicht. Du wurdest gewiss Deinen Geburtsort nicht mehr kennen wie gross derselbe geworden ist. Denn wir haben jetzt funf Lehrer und die wollen immer noch nicht reichen. Jhr Lieben, hier schicke ich Euch mein Bild mit dem Wunsche das wir uns aaauch noch persönlich kennenlernen. Auch meinen Konfirmationsspruch sollt Jhr wissen. Er heisst: Ich liebe die mich lieben und die mich frühe suchen finden mich. Sprüche. Palminus 8. Kapital Vers 11. Also sage ich nochmals meinen besten Dank.

Nun im Auftrage meines Vaters frage ich an wie die Witterung bei Euch ist. Bei uns ist jetzt grosse Durrung und Mäuseplage. Getreide ist gut aufgegangen Kartoffeln haben wir auch gelegt mag der liebe Gott helfen das es bald regnet. Ich will nun schliessen in der Hoffnung das Euch der Brief so gesund antrifft wie er uns verlässt. Mit dem Wunsche das Ihr bald ein Lebenszeichen von Euch gebt. Ich bitte nochmals um Onkel Alberts Adresse und sage ihm die Kette die er mir vor 10 Jahren geschenkt hatte trage ich immer noch als Andenken an ihn.

Mit herzlichen Grüssen verbleibe ich Eure
Dankbare Nichte Luise Baumgarten.

Viele Grüsse von Grossvater meinen Eltern
und Bruder.


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Probably Luise Baumbarten

Baumgarten antique necklace

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