
1922 Postcard

To Arno Pappe from his sister in Germany, Gertrude "Trudel" (Pappe) Ulrich

This postcard was sent to Arno Curt Pappe (1883-1948) by his sister Gertrude "Trudel" (Pappe) Ulrich (1891-?). Gertrude and her Husband, Willy Ulrich, lived in Berlin and had at least three children. The date of the postcard was determined based on the age of the oldest child in the photo. (Note 1) Pictured are Gertrude and Willy Ulrich with their three children. The card is addressed to "Curt Renall," which is an alias that Arno used in the pre-war years.

Addressed to:

Hern Curt Renall

German Transcription:

Mein lieber Curt, ein paar Aufmachen aus unserer Sommerfrische. Vorige Wache war Willy da und haben mir die Bilder machen lassen. Erkennst du uns alle wieder? Mama hat ihre selbst geschrieben, wirst es wohl lesen können.

English Translation:

My dear Curt, a few lines from our summer resort. A week ago Willy was here and had these pictures made for me. Do you still recognize us? Mama wrote [you] herself, you’ll be able to read it.


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