
Bernard Köster (1826 - 1909)
Son of Hermann Gerhard, grandson
of Johan Herman, great grandson of Johan Henrich Köster
Bernard Köster was born 16 August 1826 and he was baptized
19 August 1826 in St. Servatius Catholic Church in Berge,
Kreis Bersenbrück, Hanover . Godparents were Christopher
Brokhaus, Bernard Witte and Margareta Elisabeth Bruns.
This record lists Bernard as "aus Höfen", or "from the
farm" of the Oldemann family. He married Margaretha Maria
Adelheid Krümpelmann in St. Servatius Catholic Church
on 6 May 1852 . The marriage record lists Herman Bernard
as a "heuerling" or a tenant farmer living on a rented
piece of land. These renters worked for the farm owner
for a contracted time and also paid rent. They kept
animals and had a small plot of land on which to raise
crops and to garden. The record lists Hermann Bernard's
parents, Herman Gerhard Köster and Elisabeth von der
Haar, who were also "heuerling" farmers in Dalvers.
“This marriage record also records a despensations to the “third degree”. If we look back in the ancestry, we see that Herman Bernard Köter’s grandfather, Johan Herman Köster, was first married to Phenemia Alheid Krümpelman, and may have had two sons with her. Phenemia was likely the sister of Johan Bernd Krümpelmann, the grandfather of Margaretha Maria Adelheid. Since the Catholic Church equates marriage ties to blood ties, Herman Bernard and Margaretha Maria Adelheid would have been half-first cousins and would have needed this dispensation.” from Carol Saint-Clair, the Osnabrück researcher who did much of the Köster family research.
Hermann Bernard Köster died in 1909 at
Dalvers bei Berge , Hanover , Prussia .
Revised July 2010 |

Maria Adelheid Krümpelmann (Köster) (circa
1823 - circa 1882)
of Hermann Bernard Köster (1826 - 1909)
believe Margaretha Maria Adelheid Krümpelmann was the
daughter of Hermann Gerhard Krümpelmann and Grete Aleid
Kühle or Adelheid Kühle. We estimate she was born about
1823 from her marriage date.
of Hermann Bernard Köster and Margaretha Maria Adelheid
Krümpelmann all born at Dalvers bei Berge, Kreis Bersenbrück,
Hanover , were:
. . . 1. Hermann Bernard Köster, born 24 January 1853 ; married Caroline
Döhe; he died 29 April 1940 in Germany .
. . . 2. Maria Catherine Elizabeth Köster, born 22 January
1855; married Wilhelm Stehren; she died 25 July 1938
in Oberte, Germany .
. . . 3. Heinrich Wilhelm (AKA William H Koester) Köster, born 17 August
1858; married Anna Christina Wibben; he died 27 October 1939
in Willey, Iowa .
. . . 4. Anna Maria Catharine Adelheid Köster, born 18 January
1863; married John Henry Nieland; she died 1 May 1933
in Breda, Iowa .
do not yet have the death date for Margaretha Maria
Adelheid Krümpelmann.
Revised July 2010 |


Bernard Köster (1853 - 1940)
of Hermann Bernard Köster, grandson of Hermann Gerhard,
great grandson of Johan Herman, great great grandson
of Johan Henrich Köster
Herman Bernard Köster was born on 24 January 1853
at Dalvers bei Berge, Kreis Bersenbrück, Hanover.
He was baptized at St. Servatius Catholic Church on
26 January 1853 and his godparents were Herman Heinrich
Köster from Hahlen, Bernard Krümpelman and
Maria Catherina Ansmann, possibly born Tiene. We believe
the Herman Heinrich Köster who was godfather to
Hermann Bernard was born in 1817 and that this shows
a family relationship. His father is again listed as
a “heuerling” in this baptism record. He
was called Bernard. He married Anna Carolina Döhe
He was in the army, then a shoemaker.
Bernard died 28 April 1940, in Germany, at age 87 years.
August 2005

Carolina Döhe (Köster)(1853 - ?)
Wife of Bernard Köster (1853-1940)
Anna Carolina Döhe, the daughter of Gerhard Wilhelm
Döhe and Anna Margaretha Schulte, was born 16 January
1853 and baptized at St. Servatius Catholic Church in
Berge. Godparents were Caroline Botman, born Jansing,
Heinrich Schuhorn and Anna Orabeck.
Children of Bernard Köster and Anna Carolina Döhe, all born in Dalvers bei Berge, Kreis Bersenbrück, Hanover, Prussia,
were as follows:
…..1. Maria Köster, born about 1883, married Wilhelm Gerdes
…..2. Augusta Köster, born about 1884.
…..3. Wilhelm Köster, born 26 January 1885 in Dalvers
bei Berge, Kreis-Bersenbrück, Hanover; married
Maria Küs;
......4. Bernard Köster, born 5 April 1888 in Germany; married
Anna Loddeke;
…..5. Elizabeth Köster, born about 1889.
…..6. Heinrich Köster, born about 1890.
We do not yet have a death date for Anna Carolina.
Revised 9/04

Catherine Elisabeth Köster (Stehren) (1855 - 1938)
Daughter of
Hermann Bernard, granddaughter of Hermann Gerhard, great
granddaughter of Johan Herman, great great granddaughter
of Johan Henrich Köster
Maria Catherine Elisabeth Köster was born on 22
January 1855 at Dalvers bei Berge, Kreis Bersenbrück,
Hanover. She was baptized at St. Servatius Catholic
Church 24 January 1855. Her godparents were Maria Elisabeth
von der Haar, Margaretha Poppe Krümpelmann and
Joseph Oldeman. She was called Elisabeth. Elisabeth
had one child before she was married. She married Wilhelm
Stehren after 1892.
First child of Elisabeth Köster was:
…..1. Hermann Köster, born before 1892 and
died in 1916; Hermann married, but we do not know the
name of his wife or the date of their marriage.
Elisabeth died on 25 July 1938 at Ohrte, Germany at
age 83.
Revised 5/2005

Stehren (1840 - 1914)
Husband of Elizabeth Koster 1855-1938
Wilhelm Stehren was born April 8, 1840 in Germany.
Children of Elisabeth Köster and Wilhelm Stehren
were as follows:
…..1. Maria Stehren, born about 1894.
…..2. Anna Stehren, born 29 September 1896 in Dalvers
bei Berge, Kreis Bersenbrück, Hanover; married
Otto Rolfes;
…..3. Sophie Bernhardine Stehren, born 29 May 1900 in
Dalvers bei Berge, Kreis Bersenbrück, Hanover;
married Johannes Lassay.
Wilhelm Stehren died April 21, 1914 in Davlers bei Berge, Kreis
Bersenbrück, Hanover, Prussia, at age 74.

Heinrich Köster (aka William Henry Koester) (1858 - 1939)
Son of Hermann
Bernard Köster, grandson of Hermann Gerhard, great grandson
of Johan Hermann, great great grandson of Johan Henrich Köster
Wilhelm Henrich (William H. Koester) Köster was born on
17 August 1858 at Dalvers bei Berge, Kreis Bersenbrück,
Hanover. He was baptized 20 August 1858 at St. Servatius
Catholic Church. His godparents were Bernard Schumacher,
Bernard Heinrich Krümpelmann and widow Catha. Köhne. The 1900 census lists birth date as Aug of 1862
and the FSPA Archive lists his birth date as August
17, 1858.
He immigrated in 1884. He changed his name to William
Koester to make English spelling easier after he arrived
in the United States. He married Anna Christina "Christine" Wibben circa
1890 at St. Mary Catholic Church, Willey, Carroll County,
He appeared on the census of 1900 at Carroll County,
Iowa. William (38) is enumerated on a farm in Newton
Township with his wife Christina (30) and children John
(8), Theodore (6), George (4) Josephine (3) Clara (2)
and Maggie (1). William and Christina have been married
nine years and have 6 of 6 children living. Both William
and Christina are German immigrants, with his arrival
listed as 1884 and Christina's as 1883. They are both
naturalized citizens.
He appeared on the census of 1910 at Carroll County,
Iowa. William (48) is enumerated on a farm in Pleasant
Valley Township with his wife Christine (40) and children
John (18), Theodore (16), George (14), Josephine (13)
Clara (11) Maggie (10) Rosa (7), Mary (3) and William
(1). William and Christine have been married 19 years
and have 9 of 9 children living. Here both immigration
dates appear to be 1884. The three oldest boys list
their occupation as farm laborer.
He appeared on the census of 1920 at Carroll County,
Iowa. William (61) is enumerated on a farm in Pleasant
Valley Township with his wife Christina (50) and children
George (24), Josephine (22), Margaret (19), Mary (13),
William (11) and Anna (9). William's immigration date
is 1884 and Christina's is 1884. All of the children
were born in Iowa. They own their farm with no mortgage.
He appeared on the census of 1930 at Carroll County,
Iowa. William (71) is enumerated on a farm in Pleasant
Valley Township with his son Theodore (36), daughters
Clara (31) and Anna (19). Theodore and his sisters are
single and father William is a widower. They are renting
the farm and have a radio.
He died on 3 May 1939 at Willey, Carroll County, Iowa,
at age 81. He was buried at St. Mary Catholic Cemetery,
Willey, Carroll County, Iowa.
August 2008

Anna Christina "Christine"
Wibben (Koester) (1869 - 1926)
Wife of William Koester (1858-1933)
Christine Wibben was born on 16 November 1869 at Bernte,
Hanover, Germany, the daughter of John Hermann Wibben and Gesina Adelheid Teepen. She was also know as Anna Christina Wibben. She
immigrated circa 1881 to United States.
Children of William Köster and Christine Wibben, all
born in Carroll County, Iowa, were as follows:
…..1. John Koester, born 19 August 1891; married first Emma Stangl; married second Clara Lohman.
He died 21 March 1962 at Carroll, Iowa.
…..2. Theodore Koester, born in October 1893.
He died 10 September 1956 in Carroll, Iowa.
…..3. George H. Koester, born 10 June 1895; married Veronica Nagl 13 April 1926. He
died 19 October 1967 at Carroll, Iowa.
......4. Josephine Koester, born in April 1897. She
died 20 February 1932.
…..5. Clara A Koester, born on 30 April 1898. She died 7 August 1967 at Carroll,
…..6. Margaret A. Koester, born on 7 April 1900. She died 15 May 1974 at Carroll,
…..7. Rosina Koester, born on 6 December 1902. She was also known as Sister Mary
Silvina, FSPA. She died 28 January 1937 at Ashland,
…..8. Mary Koester, born on 14 July 1906. She was also known as Sister Mary
Fidelma, FSPA. She died 26 November 1984 at LaCrosse,
…..9. William J Koester, born on 10 May 1908: he married Julitta Brincks on
12 February 1949. He died 22 May 1995 at Carroll, Iowa.
….10. Anna Koester, born 1910. She died in
Christina Wibben died on 8 July 1926 at Willey, Carroll
County, Iowa, at age 56. She was buried at St. Mary Catholic
Cemetery, Willey, Carroll County, Iowa.
July 2010
Maria Catherine Adelheid Köster (Nieland) (1863 - 1933)
of Hermann Bernard, granddaughter of Hermann Gerhard,
great granddaughter of Johan Hermann, great great granddaughter
of Johan Henrich Köster
Anna Maria Catharine Adelheid
Köster was born on 18 January 1863 at Dalvers bei
Berge, Kreis Bersenbrück, Hanover. Sister Pauline
Wittry remembers that both Anna and Henry celebrated
their birth on the 18th until after Anna died. She was
baptized on 22 January 1863 at Berge, Kreis Bersenbrück,
Hanover at St. Servatius Catholic Church. Her godparents
were Adelheid Köster, Catharine Adelheid Köhn
and Gerhard Wilhelm Wessling. She was known as Anna.
She married John Henry Nieland 8 January 1884 at St.
Bernard Catholic Church, Breda, Carroll County, Iowa.
Anna immigrated about 1882, leaving her parents, a brother
and two sisters in Germany. She traveled to America
with a friend. Her brother William later immigrated
and settled in Carroll County, Iowa. Family stories
say she was living with her cousins about 1882 at Illinois.
She changed her name to Anna Koster when she moved to
Breda from Illinois. She was invited to move to Breda
by her cousins at Iowa. In Germany in about 1880, she
worked for the Heinreich Oldeman family. In 1973, her
grand niece and nephew were renting the farm they lived
on from members of the same Oldeman family at Dalvers
bei Berge, Germany.
Anna may have suffered from rickets as a child. There
is a family story that she did not walk until she was
four years old. She had difficult pregnancies, especially
with Rose, who was born in 1895. Mrs. Wubben, who lived
on the farm just north of the Nieland place, took care
of Rose after she was born, until Anna was recovered.
She appeared on the Federal census of 1900 at Carroll County, Iowa. Anna (37) is enumerated on a farm in Wheatland Township with her husband Henry (48) and children Henry G. (23), Frank J. (20), Maggie (18), Liddie (16), Willie (12), Ben (10), Lene (7), Rose (5), Bertha (3) and Anna (1). They have been married 17 years and have 6 of 7 children living. Henry is listed as a German immigrant who arrived in 1869 and is naturalized. Anna is also a German immigrant who arrived in 1882. All of the children were born in Iowa.
She appeared on the Federal census of 1910 at Carroll County, Iowa. Anna (47) is enumerated in Wheatland Township with her husband Henry (58) and children Willie (22), Ben (20), Rosa (15), Berth (13), Anna (10), Louis (8), Joseph (6) and Herman (3).
She appeared on the Federal census of 1920 at Carroll County, Iowa. Anna (57) is enumerated on a farm in Wheatland Township with her husband Henry (68) and children Henry (43), Anna (20), Louis (18), Joseph (15) and Herman (13). They own their farm with no mortgage. Henry is listed as a German immigrant who arrived in 1869 and was naturalized in 1876. Anna is listed as a German immigrant who arrived in 1883 and was naturalized in 1884. The children were born in Iowa. He and Anna moved to Breda, Iowa in about 1927.
She appeared on the Federal census of 1930 at Carroll County, Iowa. Anna (67) is enumerated living in Breda with her husband Henry (78). They own their home and do not have a radio. Henry is listed as a German immigrant who arrived in 1869 and is a naturalized citizen. Anna is also a German immigrant, who arrived in 1884 and is naturalized.
She and John Henry Nieland moved into town in 1927.
She was recovering from surgery to remove a tumor and
was doing "nicely" at home in June 1928 at
Breda, Carroll County, Iowa.
She died on 1 May 1933 at Breda, Carroll County, Iowa,
at age 70. She was buried at St. Bernard Catholic Cemetery,
Breda, Carroll County, Iowa.
August 2008

Henry Nieland (1852 - 1949)
Husband of Anna Köster (1863-1933)
John Henry Nieland, son of John Henry Nieland and Elizabeth
Osterhold, was born on 19 January 1852 at Südlohn,
Westphalia, Prussia. He was known as Henry. See the
Nieland web site for more information on Henry Nieland
and the children of Henry and Anna.
Children of Anna Köster and John Henry Nieland
were as follows:
…..1. Elizabeth Nieland, born on 18 October 1884 at
Carroll County, Iowa. She died on 13 March 1957 at LaCrosse,
LaCrosse, Wisconsin, at age 72. She was buried at Catholic
Cemetery, LaCrosse, LaCrosse, Wisconsin.
…..2. Catherine Nieland, born on 24 December 1885 at
Carroll County, Iowa. She died circa 1889. She was buried
at St. Bernard Catholic Cemetery, Breda, Carroll County,
…..3. William David Nieland, born 4 February 1888 at Breda,
Carroll County, Iowa; married Catherine Grote; married
Rose Hoffman. He died 1 September 1975 in Carroll, Carroll
County, Iowa.
......4. Bernard Anthony Nieland, born 29 March 1890 at Carroll
County, Iowa; married Mary Ann Grote. He died 1 January
1977 in Breda, Carroll County, Iowa.
…..5. Mary Magdalene Nieland, born on 26 June 1892
at Carroll County, Iowa. She died on 26 March 1972 at
LaCrosse, LaCrosse, Wisconsin, at age 79. She was buried
at Catholic Cemetery, LaCrosse, LaCrosse, Wisconsin.
…..6. Rose Walburga Nieland, born 20 February 1895 at
Breda, Carroll County, Iowa; married Joseph Nichols
Wittrock. She died 16 August 1935 in Okarche, Kingfisher
County, Oklahoma.
…..7. Bertha Mary Nieland, born 28 April 1897 at Carroll
County, Iowa; married Arthur A. Braun. She died 3 October
1952 in Alton, Sioux County, Iowa.
…..8. Anna Catherine Nieland, born 30 May 1899 at Carroll
County, Iowa; married Jacob J. Wittry. She died 12 May
1984 in Carroll, Carroll County, Iowa.
…..9. Louis ChristopherNieland, born 7 October 1901 at
Carroll County, Iowa; married Martha Helen Braun. He
died 13 October 1985 in Carroll, Carroll County, Iowa.
…..10. Joseph TheodoreNieland, born 21 March 1904 at
Carroll County, Iowa; married Susan B. Lappe. He died
15 August, 1973 in Carroll, Carroll County, Iowa.
…..11. Herman A. Nieland, born 19 June 1906 at Carroll
County, Iowa; married Mathilda Thelen. He died 6 September
1988 in Breda, Carroll County, Iowa.
Revised September 2004